Sunday, October 26, 2014

Health benefits of Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya and its natural healing properties

Scientific name: Momodica Charantia
Commom Names: Ampalaya, Bitter melon, Bitter Gourd
Other Names: papailla, melao de sao caetano, bittergourd, sorosi, a'jayib al maasi, assorossie, balsam apple, balsam pear, chin li chih, ejinrin gule khandan, fu-kua, karela,k'u kua kurela, kor-kuey, ku gua, lai p'u t'ao, pava-aki, salsamino, sorci, sorossi, sorossie, sorossies, pare, peria laut, peria

Ampalaya is a Tagalog term for "bitter melon" or "bitter gourd". It's a tropical vine which easily grows in the South East Asia such as the Philippines. It is called "bitter gourd" because the ampalaya fruit and leaves have a bitter taste and it's more intense when cooked.

Ampalaya is one of the Philippine vegetables which is considered herbal medicine and well known for its many health benefits and natural healing properties.

Nutritiona Facts of Fresh Ampalaya/ 100 grams

Vitamin A - Every 100 grams of ampalaya has 471 IU or equivalent to 16% of recommended value per day. Vitamin A is good to maintain healthy eyesight and prevents all other eye defects.

Vitamin C - every 100 grams of ampalaya contains 84 mg of Vitamin C which is equal to 140% of recommended value per day. Vitamin C is good to boost immune system, and it helps keep the skin, hair and teeth healthy.

Folates - every 100 grams of ampalaya has 72 µg of folate which is equivalent to 18% of recommended value per day.

Lutein-zeaxanthin - every 100 grams of ampalaya has 170 µg of luthein, the most essential phyto-nutrients that protects the eye from damage.

Dietary Fiber - it helps in better digestion and healthy colon.

Aside from these essential nutrients,ampalaya also has carbohydrates, protein, energy, niacin, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, manganese and Zinc. (basede on USDA,

Medicinal Properties of Ampalaya
Filipino people consider ampalaya as medicinal plant and it is supported by the Department of Health. Ampalaya is recommended to use as an alternative medicine for liver disease and diabetes.

Based on scientific research, regular eating of ampalaya can increase the production of beta cells in the pancreas which is the most important substance to produce enough amount of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugarlevel from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia) (endocrineweb). Therefore ampalaya is highly recommended for diabetics.

In some refions, ampalaya is also used as herbal treatment for HIV, coughs, skin diseases such as eczema, and as purgative.

Like the fruit, ampalaya leaves are also excellent sources of Vitamin B, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also rich in beta carotene.

There are many kinds of ampalaya recipes in the Philippines such as pinakbet, ginisang ampalaya with eggs (saute ampalaya with eggs) and ensaladang ampalaya.

Because ampalaya has so much health benefits, it is now one of the top seller food supplements. Food supplement manufacturers uses ampalaya or charantia as the main ingredient of their health products.

Like this Ampalaya plus which has been very popular here in the Philippines and abroad. Ampalaya plus is made of pure ampalaya which is best to maintain the right level of insulin.

Since there are many Filipinos who are diabetics, this product became very popular. Many diabetics don't want to regularly inject insulin, so they turned into using this ampalaya plus capsules to increase their insulin levels. Today, many people trust natural way of healing rather than taking drugs and undergoing to surgical treatments.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Amazing Facts about Water melon

water melon

Water melon is a vine bearing flower plant that endures in watery soil. It is believed to be originated in South Africa and some parts of Asia. In the Philippines, it is called pakwan. There are two kinds of water melon, the and the newly breed yellow.The outer cover of water melon can be plain dark green or yellow green with map-like print. Water melon  commonly has small, brown seeds, but some breed are seedless.

Health Benefits of water melon

Antioxidant - water melon contains 91% of water which is good in internal cleansing. The juice is believed to cure kidney failure.

Vitamin C -as with many other fruits, water melon is rich in Vitamin C which is good in boosting body's immune system, it like wise takes care of our bones, skin and teeth to keep them healthy.

Vitamin A - a vitamin that we need to have healthy eyesight and.

Watermelon has a low content of fat, cholesterol and sodium.